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Regional Haze Analyses and Planning Support

The Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) will provide technical analyses and databases to assist states, tribes, federal land managers, local air agencies and the US EPA with periodic implementation and planning requirements for the Regional Haze Rule in the West.

The effort on Regional Haze includes, but is not limited to:

  • Analyses to support air quality planning and management by individual WRAP member jurisdictions and agencies for the Regional Haze Rule;
  • Tracking trends, periodic assessments of the nature and causes of Regional Haze, and how the sources and impacts are related to ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen deposition and critical loads, mercury, and other pollutants;
  • Emissions sources from all sectors, both domestic and international;
  • Effects of air pollution transport; and
  • Effects of climate change on regional air quality.

The Landscape of Forever: Visibility Protection in the West is an educational storyboard that provides information about the unique challenges of protecting visibility in western states.

To accomplish these efforts, WRAP develops, maintains, and shares databases, supports technical analyses, and provides access to data and results from various information sources to produce consistent, comparable, and complete results for use by individual WRAP member jurisdictions and agencies.

Regional Haze Planning Work Group
Fire & Smoke Work Group
Oil & Gas Work Group
Regional Technical Operations Work Group
Tribal Data Work Group

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Draft 2021 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report
(PDF) (January 2023)

Final 2020 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report
(PDF) (May 2022)

Final 2019 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report
(PDF) (April 2021)

Final 2018 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report
(PDF) (March 2020)

Western States' Progress toward Submittal of Second Planning Period Regional Haze SIPs
, Environmental Manager magazine, Air & Waste Management Association, October 2019, Mary Uhl and Tom Moore (PDF)

Final 2017 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) (April 2019)

Final 2016 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) (March 2018)

Final 2015 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) (March 2017)

Visibility, Haze, and Background Air Pollution in the West
, Environmental Manager magazine, Air & Waste Management Association, January 2017, Mary Uhl and Tom Moore (PDF)

WRAP Comment Letter on proposed Regional Haze Rule changes (PDF) - August 10, 2016, EPA NRPM docket

WRAP Testimony on proposed Regional Haze Rule changes (PDF) - June 1, 2016, EPA public hearing,

Final 2014 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) - March 7, 2016

Final 2013 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) - March 18, 2015

WESTAR Regional Haze 2018 SIP Update Plan (PDF) - April 2, 2014

Final 2012 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) – March 27, 2014

WRAP Regional Technical Center and WestJumpAQMS – Sept. 30, 2013
Technical Center and WestJumpAQMS materials

Reasonable Progress Reports – June 28, 2013
RHR Reasonable Progress Support Document

Natural Conditions – June 25, 2013
RHR Natural Conditions Review Document

Final 2011 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) or (DOC) – February 20, 2013
As part of the Regional Haze Rule §309 Backstop Cap and Trade Program, the participating WRAP region States of New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, along with the City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County have completed the final 2011 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report. The report determines whether or not average adjusted sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from 2009, 2010, and 2011 emitted by large industrial sources, exceed the 2011 SO2 emission milestone set in the Regional Haze State Implementation Plans for New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, and the City of Albuquerque. These states and city completed this report in support of their regional haze plans. Based on the findings in the report, a determination has been made that the three states and one city have met the 2011 regional SO2 milestone under their revised plans. Please contact the individual state representatives listed on Page 1 of the report for details on each state program's respective data.

Periodic Regional Haze SIP Status Report
WRAP Region BART, §308, §309, and §309(g) Regional Haze SIPs/FIPs Completion Status Report (February 15, 2013)

Final 2010 §309 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report (PDF) or (DOC) and 2011 Audit Report (PDF)
As part of the Regional Haze Rule §309 Backstop Cap and Trade Program, the participating WRAP region States of New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, along with the City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County have completed the final 2010 Regional SO2 Emissions and Milestone Report. The report determines whether or not average adjusted sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from 2008, 2009, and 2010 emitted by large industrial sources, exceed the 2010 SO2 emission milestone set in the Regional Haze State Implementation Plans for New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, and the City of Albuquerque. These states and city completed this report in support of their regional haze plans. The total adjusted emissions of SO2 from large industrial sources in the three states and one city in 2010 were 131,124 tons, which was lower than the 2009 adjusted emissions total of 143,704 tons. The average of 2008, 2009, and 2010 adjusted emissions is 146,808 tons. Based on this average adjusted annual emissions estimate, a determination has been made that the three states and one city have met the 2010 regional SO2 milestone of 200,722 tons under their revised plans. Please contact the individual state representatives listed on Page 1 of the report for details on each state program's respective data. Two additional analyses are included with the final 2010 Milestone Report. The projected 2018 inventory (Appendix C in the 2010 Final Report) that was used to develop the milestones in the §309 regional haze SIPs is still current and will be used in the 2013 SIP review to determine the likelihood of meeting the 2018 milestone. The 2011 Audit Report for the tracking system has been determined to meet the requirement for a 5-year audit of the program in 2011.

Final 2009 §309 SO2 Milestone Report
As part of the Regional Haze Rule §309 Backstop Cap and Trade Program, the participating WRAP region States of New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, along with the City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County have completed their Annual Milestone Report for 2009. This and earlier reports were submitted to EPA based on commitments made in the states's Regional Haze SIP submittals. While the EPA has not formally approved those State Implementation Plans, 2008 and earlier tracking Reports are found on the §309 Coordinating Committee page of the "ARCHIVED" WRAP Website. The final 2009 calendar year report is found here. Please contact the individual state representatives listed on Page 1 of the 2009 Report for details on each program's respective data.

Revised Milestones for §309 SO2 Backstop Cap and Trade Program
The States of New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, along with the City of Albuquerque have revised the Sulfur Dioxide Milestones for the Regional Haze Rule §309 Backstop Cap and Trade Program. The revised milestones and proposed §309 program for affected sources are described in the documents listed below.

Summary of Changes from the 2003 SIP (PDF)
Summary of Milestone Changes (PDF)
Better than BART (PDF)
Milestones (XLS)

Comments were requested by October 22, 2010, and all comments received will now be reviewed by the four agencies. A unified “comment and response” document will be prepared and distributed at the time the SIPs are filed.

For Questions, please contact Tina Anderson, SIP and Rule Development lead for the Air Quality Division, State of Wyoming, at: [email protected]
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