Tribal Data Work Group

Blowing Dust in Northern Arizona Fire Event, Strawberry Mountain Class I Wilderness Area, Oregon Devils Tower, Wyoming Glacier National Park Class I Area, Montana Missoula with Clark Fork River, Montana
Tribal Data Work Group Board-approved Scope


There are 468 federally recognized Tribes within the 15-state area that comprises the Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) region. Many of these, 225, are in the state of Alaska, while the remaining Tribes (239) are spread throughout the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regions 8, 9, the lower three states of 10 and New Mexico in Region 6. There are at least 61 Tribal air quality programs in the WRAP region, excluding those in Alaska. Due to the large numbers WRAP considers all federally recognized Tribes as members but does request a letter requesting to become an active voting member. WRAP currently has 28 active voting member Tribes.

EPA Region Number of Tribes Number Tribes with Air Quality Programs1
6 New Mexico 212 3
8 283 23
9 1484 31
10 425 19
10 Alaska 2296
1 Based on Tribes with FY21 EPA 103 and 105 grants
5 and
6 Ibid.

Each Tribal air quality program encompasses unique needs and requires specific emphasis to meet their goals. However, there are certain common themes that weave them together including:
  • Staff (capacity) – many programs have one or two people to address the complexities of air quality. Some Tribes experience turnover in positions that tend to keep air programs at a lower level of capacity compared to long-term stable programs.
  • Funding – Most Tribal air programs are funded by EPA Clean Air Act (CAA) 103, 105, Indian General Assistance Grant (IGAP) grant programs, or Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements (DITCAs).
  • Training (capability) – New personnel to Tribal air programs may not always possess the basic knowledge or experience needed to manage the program. Opportunities to expand skills are available to Tribal professionals from several sources specific to Tribes and are imperative to building capacity and capability.

Responsibilities and Deliverables

The majority of this Workplan Scope spans many years of effort and potential effort by the TDWG to provide needed information and services to the WRAP membership. The identified topical areas are considered ongoing. The ability of the TDWG to complete specific deliverables is subject to availability of time and contractor funding.

Workplan Scope Topical Areas
  • Discuss current and evolving regional air quality issues in the West impacting Tribes, such as regional haze; wildfires; oil and gas development; ozone; particulate matter; deposition of nitrogen, sulfur, and mercury; critical loads; and other air pollutants
  • Discuss how the impacts of climate change, as well as associated mitigation and adaptation strategies, may affect Tribes and air quality management in the West
  • Examine and discuss Western regional air quality issues from a multi-pollutant perspective
  • Support availability of monitoring/emissions data from WRAP member Tribes for inclusion in WRAP/WESTAR databases and to support regional and sub-regional technical analyses for WRAP member Tribes
  • Provide educational opportunities for WRAP member Tribes to facilitate understanding of the benefits of WRAP/WESTAR products and services, e.g., such as the WRAP Technical Support System
  • Identify applicable SIP, TIP, and FIP planning target dates
  • Encourage Tribal participation in other WRAP Work Groups
  • Collaborate with WRAP member agencies
  • Coordinate information gathering and educational efforts with other Tribal organizations such as the National Tribal Air Association(NTAA) and the Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center (TAMS) Steering Committee, as necessary and applicable, to reduce duplication of effort and enhance efficiency and consistency of databases and analyses.
Annual Action Items
  • TDWG periodic calls and meetings, reports on any deliverables completed
  • Maintain distribution and contact list
  • Solicit Tribal membership in WRAP and participation in the FSWG and OGWG
  • Adapt products from TDWG and other Work Groups into a Tribal Resources webpage
This work must take into consideration differing levels of expertise, programmatic resources and approaches, cultural necessities, and needs by WESTAR-WRAP member agency. Several of these activities will involve close coordination within WESTAR-WRAP facilitated by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC), as is done with other WRAP Work Groups.

Operations and Reporting

The Co-Chairs will provide a summary report to the TSC at each TSC/WG Co-Chairs meeting, about the status of activities, findings, and work products related to the topics and for the action items described above. Participation in the TDWG will be dynamic and evolving depending on topics and action items being addressed and the interests of the Work Group’s members. The Co-Chairs, with support from WESTAR-WRAP staff, will maintain a distribution list to be updated when needed. Although a Tribal focus exists, the TDWG encourages other interested parties to join Work Group meetings. Participation will be tracked on the Tribal Data Work Group webpage. No formal detailed workplan is required but welcome.

The TDWG will have regular virtual or in-person meetings arranged by Co-Chairs, at least quarterly. The principal purpose of TDWG meetings is to provide a regular opportunity for Tribes to discuss the TDWG action items and other topics. If necessary, Subcommittees or Teams may be defined by the TDWG to execute, track, and provide oversight for both in-kind and/or any contractor-supported TDWG projects, and will meet as needed at self-defined separate intervals. Any active Teams and Subcommittees will report regularly to the TDWG. The TDWG Co-Chairs will communicate on relevant matters with the TSC and Board.

Subcommittees and Teams

None at this time.

Active Projects

None at this time.

Work Group Reference Material

Communication Framework for Regional Haze Planning Sept. 3, 2019 TDWG and RHPWG consensus

Regional Haze Principles of Engagement - adopted April 4, 2018

WESTAR and WRAP Joint Operating Agreement – adopted August 1, 2017

WRAP region map with Tribal Resources

WESTAR/WRAP Air Quality Data and Decision Support Systems at CSU/CIRA (December 4, 2019) Webinar recording (MP4 format) Presentation (PDF)

Regional Haze Materials for Tribal Professionals Fact Sheet (November 2019)

WRAP Tribal Outreach (April 18, 2019) WebEx recording (MP4 format) Presentation (PPTX)

WRAP Processes and Procedures for Tribes Fact Sheet (March 2019)

Work Group Meetings

2018-20 Tribal Data Work Group Meetings (click to expand)
January 16, 2020 Agenda Notes

November 22, 2019 Agenda Notes

September 19, 2019 Agenda Notes

April 18, 2019 Agenda Notes TDWG Monthly Call Agendas/Notes/Follow-up action items for Sept. 2018 through Jan. 2019

2018-19 ITEP / EN3 Work Products for TDWG (click to expand)
Task 1.1     General WRAP Outreach to Tribes     Status: Complete
Sub-Task 1.1.1     Regional Haze materials for Tribal professionals
Fact Sheet     Presentation

Sub-Task 1.1.2     WRAP Processes and Procedures for Tribes
Fact Sheet     Presentation

Sub-Task 1.1.3     Tribal Contacts in the WRAP Region     Status: Complete (spreadsheet Dec. 2019, outreach letter drafted, to be sent in Feb. 2020)

Sub-Task 1.1.4     WRAP Tribal Maps     Status: Complete
Updated main WRAP map page and TDWG map are the same, at:

Task 1.2     Tribal AQS Data Gap Study     Status: Complete
EN3's technical report Tribal AQS Data Gap Study was completed and submitted on November 23, 2018. A comprehensive Excel spreadsheet showing tribal and tribally-related air monitoring activities accompanied this report.

Task 1.3     Tribal NEI Data Gap Stud     Status: Complete
EN3’s technical report that presents the results and conclusions of this work.     Tribes with Point Sources spreadsheet

Task 1.4     Tribal Oil & Gas Emissions Inventory     Status: Complete
EN3 has completed a compilation of principal oil and gas (O&G) producing tribes in the WRAP region.
Final Report     Comments on Draft Report

Task 1.5     Consultation Protocol     Status: Complete
Process used: EN3 engaged in frequent communications with TDWG leaders and the WRAP Consultation & Coordination (C&C) Subcommittee. The Subcommittee has prepared a Draft WRAP Communication Framework for Regional Haze Planning. EN3 has reviewed this document and shared comments with TDWG in preparation for the upcoming meeting. (Notes document) EN3 suggested that the TDWG, C&C Subcommittee and broader WRAP leadership decide whether to modify and expand this "Framework" document to include Tribal consultation or, alternatively, prefer to have a separate complementary product. Using comments from ITEP and EN3, the TDWG, Coordination and Glide Path Subcommittee, and the Regional Haze Planning Work Group have all reviewed and completed the final CommunicationFramework for Regional Haze Planning Sept. 3, 2019.

Task 1.6     Webinars     Status: Complete
EN3 completed materials on Regional Haze (Task 1.1.1) and "Tribes, WRAP and Regional Haze" (Task 1.1.2). These materials were used in webinars as posted above (WRAP Tribal Outreach (April 18, 2019) WebEx recording (MP4 format) Presentation (PPTX), and WESTAR-WRAP Air Quality Data and Decision Support Systems at CSU/CIRA (December 4, 2019) Webinar recording (MP4 format) Presentation (PDF).