Agricultural Field Dust, Eastern California Fire Event, San Jacinto Class I Wilderness Area, California Bay Bridge, San Francisco, California Denali National Park Class I Area, Alaska Downtown Phoenix, Arizona

About WRAP

Formed in 1997, the WRAP is a membership organization supporting western regional air quality analysis and planning needs of its members.

WRAP 25th Anniversary Celebration (April 5, 2022)

WRAP Board Information

Current Organizational Documents

WRAP Technical Steering Committee and Work Groups

Technical Steering Committee WRAP Workplans

2018-19 Workplan update (April 3, 2019)

2018-19 Workplan (April 4, 2018)

Previous Workplans

Historic WRAP Documents

Some documents below are not current or have been replaced by files on the Current Organizational Documents page above or on another WRAP page.

NASA ROSES project funding proposals – June 2021 (to support WESTAR-WRAP membership and multiple Work Groups) Regional Staff Support for WRAP 2018-19 Regional Haze analysis and planning - May 8, 2018

Regional Haze Principles of Engagement - adopted April 4, 2018

WESTAR and WRAP Joint Operating Agreement – adopted August 1, 2017

WRAP Board letter to the Dept. of the Interior - November 2015

WRAP Travel Support Policy - adopted July 2015

WRAP Strategic Plan - adopted March 2015

2014 WRAP Charter approved by the membership

The WRAP Board discussed and approved amendments to modify the WRAP 2010 - 2013 Charter in August 2013 as documented in the calls and meetings record below. These Charter amendments were formally approved by the WRAP Member agencies in a voting process completed in July 2014.

Western Air Quality Brief September 2010

The former WRAP Board approved the re-chartering of the original 1997 WRAP Charter in late 2009.

2010-2013 Charter
Comparison of 1997-2009 and 2010-2013 WRAP Charters
1997-2009 Charter
1997-2009 By-Laws
Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission Recommendations June 1996

The record of WRAP activities and membership for the 1997-2009 time period is found on the archived WRAP website. WRAP activities from 2010 to the present are found on this website and on linked project websites accessible from this website.