Phase III Inventory

Haze Event, Agua Tibia Class I Wilderness Area, California Station Fire, Haze, California Fort Ross, California Grand Teton National Park Class I Area, Wyoming Phoenix Skyline, Arizona
O&G Emissions Workgroup: Phase III Inventory

Phase III Project
In Fall 2007, the Western Energy Alliance (formerly the Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States - IPAMS) initiated the concept of funding a Phase III regional oil and gas emission inventory project for the Intermountain West, to build on, improve, and address inventory issues in the WRAP Phase I and Phase II projects. The project was coordinated with the WRAP to assure that the products from Phase III were widely distributed among non-industry stakeholders (State/Local Agencies, Tribal Air Programs, Federal Land Managers, Environmental Groups and EPA) for review and transparency of effort. The resulting inventories from Phase III include all criteria pollutant emissions for all point and area sources associated with the exploration, production, and gathering operations of oil and gas in the major basins throughout the six-state (CO, MT, NM, ND, UT, and WY) study region for the base year 2006. In addition the project is completing mid-term future projection years. Western Energy Alliance and WRAP will coordinate the data collection and analysis, review and discussion, and inventory data file preparation for each major basin – draft/final documents will appear below as they are prepared. Records of conference calls are collected at the Oil & Gas Emission Workgroup main page found here.

In addition to the 2006 base year, the project envisioned triennial updates to capture the changing nature of the O&G industry in Rocky Mountain region. The work on the 2009 base year update will be initiated in late 2010, and on in to 2011. Progress on this Phase IV project can be found here.

Contact Lee Gribovicz for more information: E-Mail [email protected], Phone: (623)312-2962.

Phase III O&G Basin Map & Emission Source List (08/08) PDF (1MB)

Phase III Overview (07/08) PDF

Phase III Project Scope of Work by ENVIRON (11/07) PDF

Sample Phase III Survey Spreadsheets (10/08) ZIP (3MB)
The Phase III project relies on detailed data on equipment, processes, activity, emissions factor and usage that are obtained from surveys completed by the major oil and gas companies. Click on the link above to download an example set of surveys, for the San Juan South Basin in Northwestern New Mexico. The surveys are in spreadsheet form and the link provides a compressed file containing all of the spreadsheet-based surveys. These surveys ask for information on all of the major oil and gas area source categories, as well as information on oil and gas point sources such as compressor stations and gas processing plants.

Basin Specific Reports: These Technical Memos contain a description of the sources included in each inventory, the data collection methodology, the inventory preparation procedures and summary tables of the results. The Data Summary spreadsheets contain the summary emissions inventory data itself, including the detailed county-level emissions, emissions by source category and by SCC, permitted and unpermitted emissions if available, and tables and charts of the emissions in similar format to those presented in the report documentation for each basin.

  • Denver-Julesberg Basin
    • 2006 Baseline Technical Memo (04/30/08) PDF
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (02/19/09) ZIP (XLS)
    • 2010 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (04/30/08) PDF
    • 2010 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (02/19/09) ZIP (XLS)
  • Piceance Basin
    • 2006 Baseline Technical Memo (01/20/09) PDF
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (02/19/09) ZIP (4.5 MB/XLS)
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (01/21/09) PDF
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (02/19/09) ZIP (2 MB/XLS)
  • Uinta Basin
    • 2006 Baseline Technical Memo (03/25/09) PDF
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (03/19/09) ZIP (2 MB/XLS)
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (03/25/09) PDF
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (03/19/09) ZIP (2 MB/XLS)
  • North San Juan Basin
    • 2006 Baseline & 2012 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (09/01/09) PDF
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (08/26/09) XLS (3 MB)
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (08/26/09) XLS (5 MB)
  • South San Juan Basin
    • 2006 Baseline Technical Memo (11/25/09 Revision) PDF
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (10/23/09) ZIP (5 MB/XLS)
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (12/08/09 Revision) PDF
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (10/23/09) ZIP (5 MB/XLS)
  • Wind River Basin
    • 2006 Baseline Technical Memo (07/14/10) PDF
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (07/16/10) ZIP (5 MB/XLS)
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (07/14/10) PDF
    • 2012 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (07/16/10) ZIP (5 MB/XLS)
  • Powder River Basin
    • 2006 Baseline Technical Memo (Revised 09/23/11) PDF (1 MB)
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (Revised 09/19/11) XLS (26.5 MB)
    • 2015 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (12/3/12) PDF (1.3 MB)
    • 2015 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (12/3/12) XLSX (5.3 MB)
  • Greater Green River Basin
    • 2006 Baseline Technical Memo (11/27/12) PDF (1 MB)
    • 2006 Baseline Data Summary Spreadsheet (12/3/12) XLSX (2.1 MB)
    • 2015 Mid-Term Projection Technical Memo (12/3/12) PDF (1 MB)
    • 2015 Mid-Term Projection Data Summary Spreadsheet (12/3/12) XLSX (2 MB)
  • Williston Basin (this basin has a different base year than other Phase III Basins)
    • 2009 Baseline Emissions Technical Memo - Williston Basin (PDF)
    • 2009 Baseline Emissions Data (XLS)
    • 2015 Projection Emissions Technical Memo - Williston Basin (PDF)
    • 2015 Projection Emissions Data (XLS)
    • Phase III Williston Basin Emissions presentation (PDF)