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Home Emissions Ozone Regional

Haze Event, Strawberry Mountain Class I Wilderness Area, Oregon Station Fire, Sunset, California Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Class I Area, Wyoming Theodore Roosevelt National Park Class I Area, North Dakota Space Needle with Mount Rainier National Park Class I Area behind, Seattle, Washington

Regional Ozone Analyses

The Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) will provide technical analyses and databases to assist states, tribes, federal land managers, local air agencies and the US EPA with understanding current and evolving regional Ozone air quality issues in the West.

The regional effort on Ozone includes, but is not limited to:

  • Analyses to support air quality planning and management by individual WRAP member jurisdictions and agencies for the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS);
  • The nature and causes of Ozone air quality issues, and how the sources and impacts are related to particulate matter, nitrogen deposition and critical loads, mercury, and other pollutants;
  • Emissions sources from all sectors, both domestic and international;
  • Effects of air pollution transport; and
  • Effects of climate change on regional air quality.

To accomplish this, WRAP develops, maintains, and shares databases, supports technical analyses, and provides access to data and results from various information sources to produce consistent, comparable, and complete results for use by individual WRAP member jurisdictions and agencies.

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