RHPWG Coordination and Glide Path Subcommittee

Haze Event, Agua Tibia Class I Wilderness Area, California Station Fire, Haze, California Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California Olympic National Park Class I Area, Washington Salt Lake City Skyline, Utah
Regional Haze Planning Workgroup Coordination and Glide Path Subcommittee

Overview/Purpose for all RHPWG Subcommittees:
The purpose of the subcommittees in their subject areas would be to:
  1. Interact and coordinate with other appropriate WRAP Work Groups for Regional Haze SIP preparation tasks.
  2. Develop principles or protocols to guide RH SIP preparation tasks that are appropriate for western state circumstances.
  3. Determine when and what contract work is needed and assist in preparation of contract tasks and evaluation of work products.
  4. Keep pace of work on schedule for RH SIP preparation

The purpose of the “Coordination and Glide Path” subcommittee is to coordinate communications with the larger RHPWG regarding SIP planning needs, development of the shared database, and documentation that may be used in SIP revisions or public outreach. The subcommittee also advises the technical contractors for the shared database, the TSS v2, housed at CIRA, Colorado State University) regarding the database functionalities needed and data display. This subcommittee will coordinate with many other subcommittees and work groups to accomplish its purpose.

This subcommittee, formed in February 2019, is the result of merging remaining tasks from the following three subcommittees, which operated through February 2019: Responsibilities and Deliverables
  1. Assist with evaluation (or scoping for contract work) regarding trend analysis for monitoring data, including natural conditions, and “glidepath” construction, including adjustments.
  2. Coordinate with various subcommittees and work groups to ensure a smooth transition to populating the TSS v.2 with correct and complete monitoring data, emissions data, and modeling results.
  3. Coordinate efforts to complete and distribute informational products, including documentation of analyses, consultation tracking, planning requirements, and training webinars.
Work Products

Overview of Regional Haze Planning, May 7, 2019 RHPWG consensus

Communication Framework for Regional Haze Planning Sept. 3, 2019 RHPWG consensus

EPA Guidance on Regional Haze Monitoring Data

Memo and Technical Addendum on Ambient Data Usage and Completeness for the Regional Haze Program (June 3, 2020)

Technical Guidance on Tracking Visibility Progress for the Second Implementation Period of the Regional Haze Program (December 20, 2018)

Guidance for Tracking Progress Under the Regional Haze Rule (September 2003) (Note: this document is relied upon by the 2018 Technical Guidance on Tracking Visibility Progress for the Second Implementation Period of the Regional Haze Program, listed above)


Molly BirnbaumAlaska [email protected]
Paul GoodfellowAlaska [email protected]
Ed MertaAlbuquerque/BC DEH [email protected]
Elias ToonArizona [email protected]
Ryan TempletonArizona [email protected]
Shawn McClureCIRA [email protected]
Ted FriesnerCIRA [email protected]
Tina Suarez-MuriasCalifornia [email protected]
Carl Brown Idaho [email protected]
Pascale WarrenIdaho [email protected]
Brandon McGuireMontana [email protected]
Debra MillerNational Park Service (DOI) [email protected]
Kristen KingNational Park Service (DOI) [email protected]
Melanie PetersNational Park Service (DOI) [email protected]
Sig JaunarajsNevada [email protected]
Steven McNeeceNevada [email protected]
Mark JonesNew Mexico [email protected]
Michael BacaNew Mexico [email protected]
Neal ButtNew Mexico [email protected]
Roslyn HigginNew Mexico [email protected]
Julie SimpsonNez Perce [email protected]
D Pei WuOregon [email protected]
Kristen MartinOregon [email protected]
Phil AllenOregon [email protected]
Richard GrimaldiPima County[email protected]
Rupesh PatelPima County[email protected]
Anthony LueckSouth Dakota[email protected]
Rick BoddickerSouth Dakota[email protected]
Gail TonnesonUS EPA[email protected]
Brett GanttUS EPA - OAQPS-RTP[email protected]
Jaslyn DobrahnerUS EPA Region 8[email protected]
Tim AllenUS FWS[email protected]
Bret AndersonUSFS[email protected]
Jay BakerUtah [email protected]
Bob LebensWESTAR[email protected]
Mary UhlWESTAR[email protected]
Pat BrewerWRAP Consulting[email protected]
Tom MooreWRAP-WESTAR [email protected]
Collen StintsonWashington [email protected]
Jean-Paul HuysWashington [email protected]
Amber PottsWyoming [email protected]

Subcommittee Calls

June 11 2020 Agenda April 16, 2020 Agenda Notes March 12, 2020 Agenda Notes February 13, 2020 Agenda Notes December 12, 2019 Agenda Notes November 14, 2019 Agenda MP4 recording Notes
  1. Coordination & Glide Path Subcommittee Task Overview
  2. WESTAR-WRAP Modeling Scenarios-Display and Comparison
  3. WRAP TSS2 Delivery Update Coordination Glide Path
October 10, 2019 Agenda Notes
  1. WRAP TSS2 Design Mockup
  2. Draft TSS FAQs – October 10 Version
September 12, 2019 Agenda Notes

WRAP member overview of Natural Conditions evaluation work (August 27, 2019) MP4 recording
  • Brandon McGuire (PPT)
  • Joe Adlhoch (PPT)
August 8, 2019 Agenda Notes
  1. Draft TSS FAQ's - August 8 version
July 16, 2019 Agenda Notes
  1. Natural Conditions Presentation
  2. WRAP Consultation and Coordination Framework Document
June, 13, 2019 Agenda

May 9, 2019 Agenda Notes

April 11, 2019 Agenda Notes

March 14, 2019 Agenda Notes

February 28, 2019 Agenda Notes