RHPWG Shared Database Subcommittee

Haze Event, Strawberry Mountain Class I Wilderness Area, Oregon Station Fire, Sunset, California Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota Sycamore Canyon Class I Wilderness Area, Arizona Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Regional Haze Planning Workgroup Shared Database Subcommittee

Overview/Purpose for all RHPWG Subcommittees:
The purpose of the subcommittees in their subject areas would be to:
  1. Interact and coordinate with other appropriate WRAP Work Groups for Regional Haze SIP preparation tasks.
  2. Develop principles or protocols to guide RH SIP preparation tasks that are appropriate for western state circumstances.
  3. Determine when and what contract work is needed and assist in preparation of contract tasks and evaluation of work products.
  4. Keep pace of work on schedule for RH SIP preparation
The Shared Database Subcommitee helps specify Components of Accessible and Transparent Database for Emissions and Monitoring Data, etc.


The purpose of the “Shared Database Management” subcommittee is to advise the technical contractors for the shared database (currently, the TSS housed at CIRA, Colorado State University) regarding:
  • Appropriate data sets to be included
  • Querying capabilities needed (tool functionality)
  • Data display options, based on various queries
  1. Review various database capabilities, including TSS v. 1, and create a recommendation for which capabilities are requisite for planning needs. This recommendation should include querying abilities and display options.
  2. Coordinate with the Monitoring/Glide Slope, and Modeling/Emissions Inventories subcommittees to ensure a smooth transition to populating the TSS v.2 with correct and complete monitoring data, emissions data, and modeling results.
  3. Provide real-time training for TSS users on the new version, including how to access monitoring and emissions data and modeling results, how to query the data for specific planning needs, and how to access the appropriate data displays.
Work Products


Cindy HollenbergNew Mexico [email protected]
Elias ToonArizona [email protected]
Ryan TempletonArizona [email protected]
Shawn McClureCIRA [email protected]
Ted FriesnerCIRA [email protected]
Tina Suarez-MuriasCalifornia [email protected]
Frank ForsgrenNevada [email protected]
Roslyn HigginNew Mexico [email protected]
Kristen MartinOregon [email protected]
Pat BrewerWRAP Consulting[email protected]
Tom MooreWRAP-WESTAR [email protected]

Subcommittee Calls

January 10, 2019 Minutes

December 13, 2018 Minutes

November 8, 2018 Minutes

October 25, 2018 Minutes

October 11, 2018 Minutes

September 27, 2018 Minutes

September 13, 2018 Minutes

August 30, 2018 Minutes

August 9, 2018 Minutes

July 12, 2018 Minutes

June 14, 2018 Minutes Presentation

May 9, 2018 Minutes

Other Resources