National Oil and Gas Emissions Analysis project

Haze Event, Agua Tibia Class I Wilderness Area, California Station Fire, Haze, California Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California Great Sand Dunes National Park Class I Area, Colorado Phoenix, Arizona
National Oil and Gas Emissions Analysis project

Through the Western States Air Resources Council (WESTAR) – WESTAR and WRAP, the Central States Air Resource Agencies (CenSARA), the Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association (MARAMA) and the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO) organizations have contracted with Ramboll Environ to perform an analysis of the national upstream and midstream oil and gas (O&G) emission inventory in Task 1, and then moving to 5 Regional Basin-specific analyses in Task 2. The project will review the data available in the various portions of the 2014 national inventory, its representativeness and completeness, as well as then also performing more detailed basin-level analyses to provide insight into O&G inventory inputs and emissions for selected basins. The project will result in prioritized recommendations of which input data sources could be improved to enhance inventory accuracy. The project is receiving in-kind support from U.S. EPA and review by the members of the National Oil & Gas Emissions Committee; results from this project will also be maintained as part of the resources available on the National Oil & Gas Emissions Committee Information Repository.

National Oil and Gas Emissions Analysis scope of work (PDF)
Data Needs memo (August 2, 2016) (PDF)
August progress report (PDF)
September progress report (PDF)
October progress report (PDF)
November progress report (PDF)
December progress report (PDF)
August 2017 EPA EIC presentation (PDF)

Task 1 memorandum deliverables:
  • Memo (PDF)
  • Recommendations cover sheet (PDF)
  • Response-to-Comments (PDF)
Task 2 Regional Basin Analyses – Sept. 14_2017 Summary
  • Oklahoma portion of the Greater Anadarko Basin Memo Spreadsheet
  • Greater San Juan Basin spanning New Mexico, Colorado, and the Southern Ute Indian Reservation Memo
  • Utica Basin in Ohio (Memo)
  • Marcellus Basin in Pennsylvania (Memo)
  • Greater Green River Basin in Wyoming (Memo)