Work Plan

Haze Event, Bob Marshall Class I Wilderness Area, Montana Station Fire, Night, California Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California Olympic National Park Class I Area, Washington Salt Lake City Skyline, Utah
WRAP 2014-18 Integrated Work Plan

Posted materials are in draft form as of December 11, 2014 – please send all comments to:
Tom Moore, WRAP Air Program Manager, WESTAR Council, [email protected]

Simplified WRAP Work Plan outline

Table of Contents (to be added)

Development Process for Work Plan Tasks (to borrow from existing Executive Summary)

Task 1. Determine foundational components of the WRAP Technical Center based on member needs
Task 2. Assess the current status of each foundational component
Task 3. Determine priority actions needed to build, update, and/or maintain the foundational components
Task 4. Upon completion of Task 3, prepare a technical work plan that addresses the WRAP Technical Center enhancements and the ongoing operation and maintenance of the WRAP Technical Center

Work Plan
  1. Work Plan Overview (to borrow from existing Executive Summary)
    The Western Regional Air Partnership’s (WRAP) vision is to be the leading technical and planning information source for air quality management in the western United States. To achieve that vision, WRAP will establish and operate a Technical Center to provide technical information that is credible, current, consistent, virtual, and accessible in support of air quality management decisions. This Work Plan describes activities WRAP will undertake in the 2015-18 timeframe to establish and operate the WRAP Technical Center.
  2. Components of the WRAP Technical Center
    Introductory paragraph describing how varied the technical information needs are but how the needs can all be linked to the same core, foundational information. The core components of the WRAP Technical Center will include:
    • Monitoring Data Analysis and Evaluation of Networks
    • Emissions
    • Protocols for consistency
    • Access to other databases housing comparable data
    • Models and modeling protocols
    • other…
  3. Building the Foundation of the WRAP Technical Center
  4. Summary
WRAP will establish a Technical Center to provide technical information that is credible, current, consistent, virtual, and accessible based on input from WRAP members. Each of the Tasks will identify the following priority activities identified for the 2015-18 timeframe:
  • Tasks 1 through 4 above
    1. Completion Date
    2. Resources Needed
    3. Deliverable(s)
List of Appendices
  1. WRAP Background
    1. Background and Status
    2. Organization and Structure
    3. WRAP 2014 Charter
  2. WRAP Planning Support Activities
    1. Regional Haze Planning
      1. WRAP Regional Haze Data Analysis and Decision Support System (TSS)
      2. WRAP Technical Support for WESTAR Regional Haze Planning Working Group
      3. Support of Tribal Air Quality Capacity and Tribal Implementation Plan (TIP) Development
    2. Effects of Changing Sources and Climate on Western Air Quality
      1. Fire Working Group and Impacts of Natural-Uncontrollable Fire on Western Air Quality
      2. Oil & Gas Working Group and Better Technical Information for Emissions Control Planning for Oil & Gas Sources
  3. WRAP Technical Activities
    1. Regional Emissions, Analysis, and Modeling Capabilities
      1. Western Regional Modeling Framework – WRAP Modeling Studies
        1. BLM Cooperative Agreement and Drill Rig 1-hour NO2 Study Activities
        2. NPS Cooperative Agreement and 3-State Air Quality Study / Western Data Warehouse
        3. State of New Mexico – Dona Ana County Ozone Nonattainment Modeling Study
      2. Joint Fire Sciences Program Proposal - Real-World Evaluation of Fire SOA Emissions Factors from Fires in a Data Management System (REFERS-DMS) (submitted December 11, 2013)
      3. NASA Applied Sciences Program Proposal: Evaluation and Application of AQAST Products and Knowledge in Western U.S. Air Quality Planning and Management (submitted April 24, 2014) (PDF)
  4. Budget (would borrow from existing Detailed Work Plan Budget)
    (This would be a consolidated picture of current and expected future funding)
    (This could include a discussion of the expected product of Task 4 – Technical Work Plan cost estimates)
Work Plan presentation from Sept. 18th WRAP meeting (PDF)