RHPWG Emissions Inventory and Modeling Protocol Subcommittee

Haze Event, Strawberry Mountain Class I Wilderness Area, Oregon Station Fire, Sunset, California Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota Sycamore Canyon Class I Wilderness Area, Arizona Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Emissions Inventories and Modeling Protocols Subcommittee

Overview/Purpose for all RHPWG Subcommittees:
The purpose of the subcommittees in their subject areas would be to:
  1. Interact and coordinate with other appropriate WRAP Work Groups for Regional Haze SIP preparation tasks.
  2. Develop principles or protocols to guide RH SIP preparation tasks that are appropriate for western state circumstances.
  3. Determine when and what contract work is needed and assist in preparation of contract tasks and evaluation of work products.
  4. Keep pace of work on schedule for RH SIP preparation
The Emissions Inventories and Modeling Protocols Subcommittee helps assemble Base Year, coordinates Regional Inventory, forecasts 2028, and works with Modelers on Source apportionment modeling and Setting RPGs for Most Impaired Days.

Responsibilities and Deliverables

Work Products

Recommendations for Base Year Modeling, consensus Feb. 1, 2019


Farren Herron-ThorpeWashington [email protected]
Elias ToonArizona [email protected]
Ryan TempletonArizona [email protected]
Curt TaipaleColorado [email protected]
Jeremy NeustifterColorado [email protected]
Kevin BriggsColorado APCD [email protected]
Amanda BrimmerDenver RACQ [email protected]
Rhonda PayneMontana [email protected]
Stephen CoeMontana [email protected]
Brenda HarpringNevada [email protected]
Frank ForsgrenNevada [email protected]
Cindy HollenbergNew Mexico [email protected]
Mark JonesNew Mexico [email protected]
Roslyn HigginNew Mexico [email protected]
Christopher SwabOregon [email protected]
Jay BakerUtah [email protected]
Pat BrewerWRAP Consulting[email protected]
Tom MooreWRAP-WESTAR [email protected]
Jean-Paul HuysWashington [email protected]

Subcommittee Calls

Agendas and Notes after August 2018, and all Subcommittee materials and data are available here: Western U.S.regional analysis – emissions inventories for Regional Haze planning

August 30, 2018 call notes (PDF)

July 26, 2018 call notes (PDF)

June 28, 2018 call notes (PDF)

Other Resources

Spring 2019 Regional Haze Modeling Plan update (PDF)

Western Modeling Domains (PNG)

Regional Haze Modeling Scenarios – June 27, 2019 (XLSX)