Conceptual Model For
Long-Term Fire Data Support

Haze Event, Strawberry Mountain Class I Wilderness Area, Oregon Station Fire, Sunset, California Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Class I Area, Wyoming Theodore Roosevelt National Park Class I Area, North Dakota Space Needle with Mount Rainier National Park Class I Area behind, Seattle, Washington
Conceptual Model For Long-Term Fire Data Support

Under the WRAP Fire & Smoke Work Group workplan, the goal of this project is to establish technical standards and identify products and services needed for long-term availability of high-quality fire emissions data to support stakeholders with regard to air quality planning and management activities, nonattainment and maintenance areas’ designations, “exceptional event” identification, background level definition, and fire emissions reduction strategy evaluation. This has broad implications for regulatory air quality, as it will meet an existing need for what is the largest single pollution source category in the United States.